Saturday, April 21, 2007

So odd. Dreamt I was telling someone about another dream I had.

Not sure what to think about that.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Originally uploaded by Sullenspirit.
Ok, so I'm a bit further along than before. Thank GOD(DESS) that I have until the 22nd of May to finish. It's only supposed to take 7 days, but I'm not that focused and commited when I crochet. :)

Knitting is Haunting me

I slept, and had 3 (THREE) dreams in a row about knitting. Ok, so they were all connected, but there were three distinct parts that all had references to knitting. 1. Grocery shopping with my mother and the laundry soap has a free set of needles, skein of yarn, and pattern. 2. Winning a really great knitting book. 3. Going off with a new friend to copy some knitting patterns.


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Dreams Holy GOD

Had a very interesting and detailed dream about -Paige- from "Charmed".

SO very detailed and not going into that detail. But I had to help Paige give birth cus the hospital didn't have any doctors available. They had a room though. My brother was helping me.

(I haven't seen my brother in 4 years, btw. He lives in California.)

Dang it

I was sleeping all nice then had a series of dreamlets, the last one totally freaking me out and waking me up. All it was, I was lying there with a female friend, in blue light (tv?) and went to put my head in her lap. She grasped the sides of my head then started making this horrible exorcist movement with her head and a horrid sound.

All this happened in like a split second. But it woke me right the heck up.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Dreamt I was a robot.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Originally uploaded by Sullenspirit.
I have given up on the knitting for awhile (again), it's driving me absolutely batty. So I started two crochet afghans from the same book I was working with. Same pattern, two different colors. They're both coming out really pretty.

dang, forgot to size my pics in my camera: here is the other one:


Sunday, April 1, 2007


Dreamt I had come across 800+ yards of blue Claudia Handpainted Sock yarn at the thrift store and was trying to post about it on the L&V messageboard. Then I woke up.


It was kinda similar to this: Yarn