Sunday, December 20, 2009

Finished Crafts

Worked on the purse/messenger bag for about a year and the shrug for 4 months. I could have had them both done in a week or two. Ah well.

In the first pic of the shrug I was looking at the view window in the mirror... I look kind of psycho.

Al helped with taking pictures of the shrug.

ignore my fat arms please. Actually, that's kind of the reason for the shrug to begin with. I had an idea and my red Provocraft loom and kind of just went with it.

here it looks like a scarf of something

I also bent two needles working on the purse and one of them the tip broke off completely.

The Bag:

The lining with the patch pockets was by far the easiest part of this project. I don't think I'll be making something like this again.

Remember this happy face (few posts back)??

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Still working (or rather just restarted) on the messenger bag made from jeans. I decided to put a lining in and it's driving me crazy. Seriously?? I've broken one needle and bent another so far. So I'm hand sewing that part now, dammit. It's taking forever. Even though the jeans were too small for me, they are some big honkin jeans at size 42. So that's 42 inches of hand stitching and I SUCK at hand sewing. Guess I'll get it done eventually. Even the strap that I want to make adjustable and don't have the right parts was easier. after I get the lining in, I can go back to the machine though.