Thursday, May 3, 2007

First Knitted Sock Pic 1

First Knitted Sock Pic 1
Originally uploaded by Sullenspirit.
I cast on my first knitted sock today. I can already see so many mistakes but what the hell. I am DOING IT.

Up close and personal



Amy said...

I hope you finish it! They all look like hell at first, but once you get past the first inch it'll probably be fine. No one will see the cuff unless they're on the floor scrutinizing them (^_^)

Candii said...

oh, I've had to frog twice, once when it was about 2 inches in and was looking really good. But I WILL cast on AGAIN!!

Nad said...

Yay for first socks! I still remember my first sock and it was scary- but once you've made one...... it all falls into place. But it also starts the addiction! Sock yarn stash and all........:)