Monday, March 30, 2009

I can't find my "I"

For whatever reason, my size I-9 crochet hook has been missing for a long time. And of course that is my favorite one for pretty much everything that uses worsted weight yarn.

I found this set here at Walmart Online and it looks pretty cool. If I can swing it this month, I'll get it. I like the idea of ergonomic handles, very muchly.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I need to go have a sex?

SEX - Stash Enrichment eXpedition - the act of going out yarn shopping for the purpose of increasing your stash


I need want some soft black sport weight wool blend yarn. I want to make a bunch of sleep masks. I'm going to use the crappy yarn I've got laying around to fiddle with and experiment with until I come up with a decent pattern in crochet.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sleep Masks

I get all kinds of inspiration from the web...

This Sleep Mask (which I didn't do a very good job on when I tried the pattern:)

And this "Ball" pattern inspired me to make this:

(Black Felt sewn inside for extra light blocking)

Yeah, I'm kind of strange, I guess. (And I definitely have some serious gauge issues)

Sunday, March 22, 2009



ok, ok, so granted they are baby socks and very short, but they still included all the steps and came out oooooo CUTE!!

Neither picture came out anywhere close to the correct color. The yarn was just cheapo baby yarn in a pale blue-green.

I really wish blogger was as user-friendly and easily formatted as my other online journal

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Here you go. My phone camera apparently isn't completely horrid.

Please ignore the paper plate in the corner there, I had just gotten done eating some pizza. (it was very yummy too!)

Inspiration and Execution

Or something. I'm kind of punchy. I have this button. I had these old jeans. I am making a purse/bag sort of thing. I want to learn to embroider. Well, see the pics, I guess.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Just a quick update

Haven't really done any significant work on any the projects I've posted about recently. I am about 40 percent done on a new project I cast on out of my Magic Loop Booklet. If you already have the booklet, it's the wristlets. I'm actually doing ok with this technique. I am starting to like it. I think it helps that this is also my first pair of Addi Turbo circular needles. I love how SMOOOOTH they are. They were expensive (at least for me), but I think they are worth it. Anyway, I've probably jinxed myself in getting this project done now that I've posted about it, but I will EVENTUALLY take some pics and show you how they're coming along.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Got a set of size 50 needles for broomstick lace, a set of chenille tapestry needles for my current embroidery on jeans project and a set of ADDI TURBOS. and they are every bit as nice as I was hoping/had heard. The magic loop is going SO MUCH easier on them. they were totally worth the money and I might have to buy a new size every month when I get paid. Pics to come soon.